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Timber Framing with Caleb Miller

October 12 @ 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

This class will be a hands-on introduction to square rule joinery layout and the chopping of basic mortice, tenon, and scarf joints. This baseline knowledge and experience should provide enough of a foundation for students to begin their own timber frame project at home.

Required tool for students to bring:

  • Framing square (16”x24”)
  • Adjustable square
  • New Crosscut handsaw minimum 20” length of any brand
  • Tape measure
  • Notebook
  • Pencils with eraser (preferably 0.9 mechanical)


Students can bring their own hand tools beyond this list but are not required to. There will be chisels, mallets, slicks, planes, sharpening stones, boring bits, and hatchets provided by the instructor to use if you don’t have.

Instructor: Caleb Miller, Caleb Raber