Tickets: 2023 GreenWood Wrights’Fest
The 2023 GreenWood Wrights'Fest will open on Friday, September 22 at noon and continue through Sunday evening, September 24th.
October 11-13 2024 | Pittsboro, NC
The 2023 GreenWood Wrights'Fest will open on Friday, September 22 at noon and continue through Sunday evening, September 24th.
Join Roy Underhill and Jerome Bias as they walk through the process of turning a small log into square stock.
We will be carving beautiful, functional butter knives from green wood in this class. A perfect beginner's project, butter knives teach the student basic sloyd knife techniques and challenge them to make a straight, thin blade for their knife. Come make a utensil that you'll use every day in the kitchen at home!
Learn to carve a spoon from green wood using just a few hand tools. Start with a hatchet, straight knife, and hook knife to create a functional item that can […]
Hone your sharpening skills with Joel Paul. This sharpening workshop will cover many aspects of sharpening for green woodworking tools.
Learn to chip carve with Paul Anderson
The Friday session of this workshop is optional and will cover preparing your bowl blank. Students who cannot attend this portion will be provided with a bowl blank at the […]
This workshop covers spoon-carving beginning to end and is designed to provide you with advanced techniques to continue improving your skills. You’ll learn skills for selecting the best trees for […]
The Legend Himself Rabble-rousing Roy Underhill turns down his customary humble-bragging and self-serving anecdotes long enough to poke a stick at the meaning behind all of this in a keynote diatribe […]