
Tickets: 2024 GreenWood Wrights’Fest

The 2023 GreenWood Wrights'Fest will open on Friday, September 22 at noon and continue through Sunday evening, September 24th.

Carving Kuksas with Ty Thornock

Learn to carve kuksas using a variety of hand tools, addressing common issues such as cracking, drying and making them safe for hot drinks.

CANCELED: Timber Framing with Caleb Miller

This hands-on introduction to square rule joinery will provide enough of a foundation for students to begin their own timber frame project at home.

Advanced Chip Carving with Daniel Clay

Learn the basics of the Swiss chip carving technique including standard knife grips, body mechanics and safety, carving basic chip shapes, and knife geometry and sharpening concepts.

[FREE] Blacksmithing Field Trip with Peter Ross

Visit the local workshop of Peter Ross, the preeminent whitesmith for museum-quality locks and tools. He specializes in reproductions of 17th and 18th century English American wrought ironwork, black and bright.

[FREE] Box Sheaths with Mozzy the Maker

In this demo Mozzy will cover how to make multiple styles of box sheaths for hook knives. Box sheaths are a great way to protect your hook knives and get creative with customizing the look of the box.

CANCELLED: Hand Brooms with Cynthia Main

Learn how to craft beautiful and useful hand brooms plus how to size and select broom corn and tampico, and discuss growing and processing your own broomcorn.

[FREE] Blacksmithing Field Trip with Peter Ross

Visit the local workshop of Peter Ross, the preeminent whitesmith for museum-quality locks and tools. He specializes in reproductions of 17th and 18th century English American wrought ironwork, black and bright.

[FREE] Hewing with Jasper Mayer

Watch amateur timbersports competitor, Jasper Mayer, demonstration traditional methods for hewing timber.